Tag Archives: Mad Dogs

Mad Dogs On The Kindle Fire 7

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Last night I binge watched Mad Dogs on the Kindle Fire 7.

It is accessible through my Prime account. (It is the American version.)

Violent in moments. With a tension a good deal of the time, conveyed through a fluidly electronic, pop — well a terrific variety of music!

This series is described as a dark comedy and a psychological thriller. If it had been presented as a documentary on the secrets within friendships, and secrets from friends, that would apply too.

Or as a social engineering project placing a group of friends into a different culture and then offering life choices that they otherwise would never have had.

And comedy it very much is. Real ha ha moments and lots of absurdity.

I never had thought I’d enjoy watching a movie on a tablet. Yet, propped up in bed, ear pieces in, it was very comfortable.

This device is more than a best cheap ereader!

Kindle Fire 7 read Breakdown

Kindle Fire 7


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