Tag Archives: The Fever Series

The Fever Series – Drama!

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“Fever Born” – is the 2016 book in the Karen Marie Moning Fever Series. I have just started reading it. Populated by intensely focused hypersexual, and to humans, immoral characters.

Here is a list of the individual books, in order in case you’d prefer to buy them one at a time.

The supernatural view of sex, for example. I don’t read erotica, and the sex passages in these books aren’t quite that. They are quite unreal and are not gratuitous – well, yes sometimes they are, and I think it accounts for the conventions of fans these books have garnered.

Yet there is an unreality to the accounts of sex as power, entrapment, that may even lead to death. Hardly titillating.

Karen Marie Moning has created an enormous cosmology of Fae creatures – humanoid but weirdly wonderful in their faery lives of power seeking, greedy power seeking.

And frail in their weakness for real love, and when they love a human it’s tragic because these beautiful winged princes, kings and queens live for millennia.

When “Mac” (MacKayla Lane) goes to Dublin from the US to find out why her sister died there, she runs into  layers of dimensions of realty. Entered by capricious hidden portals and magic mirrors. Where one can become trapped for very long periods of time – or forever.

Mac enters this mystery involving her sister’s brutal murder. Yet as she stumbles into the treacherous places and events surrounding it, she is confounded to discover that she too is part of it.

She too is a mystery – to herself!

Mac first is raped ( and spelled to forget) by Jericho Barrons, who later becomes her protector. It is not violent – but is it really consented? You decide…

Initially she is left to her own devices as she turns a corner in Dublin and – walks into a shadow world.

It’s been over a year since I finished “Iced” and now that I’m reading “Burned” I feel I have to read the previous book again.

And that is why I recommend the series of ten books – all page turners! An instant download to my Kindle Fire.

The latest is:

If you have read the Fever Series you might want to check out the the Highlander Series for more of her romantic and descriptive stories!