Tag Archives: Jim Rickards reviews

Jim Rickards Fraud?

  • [easyazon_infoblock align=”center” cart=”y” cloak=”y” identifier=”1101980761″ key=”image” locale=”US” localize=”y” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”ballweddflat-20″]

I was surprised to see the phrase “jim rickards fraud” when I did a casual search of Jim Rickards reviews about The New Case For Gold, which will be available on April 5. So I decided to look into this bizarre search result.

Was I completely scammed when I read The Death of Money last year? I am not an experienced investor so it was a hard study for me, yet it was too fascinating to give up on.

[easyazon_infoblock align=”center” cart=”y” cloak=”y” identifier=”B00NIBXT9M” key=”image” locale=”US” localize=”y” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”ballweddflat-20″]

In that book, the author advises having gold as part of one’s portfolio. It is a given that all of one’s eggs should not go into one basket. Other types of investments could be in fine art, or antiques.

Market instability is scary for most, yet it seems those who truly understand how money works (or does not) can take advantage of crises. That does not make someone a fraud.

Jim Rickards Reviews

  • The “scam” and “fraud” discussions go back as far as 2014 and don’t seem to have continued. The supposed red flags were:
  • Jim Rickards having been an advisor to the CIA
  • He had been interviewed on ‘alternate media’, like the Alex Jones show

Firstly it is no secret that he was/is an adviser to the CIA. He says so! That fact is part of his credentials, and credibility. It is pure mental clutter to have this converted into a distraction of conspiracy theory and “woo-woo” material.

One trashy web site even had a discussion of his The Death of Money associated with Alistair Crowley (witchcraft) and a rising sun or Golden Dawn symbol of The New World Order.

Jim Rickards fraud? I don’t see any.

It is my personal opinion that there is no fraud or scam involved. Jim Rickards sells books and he also sells reports on investing systems he has developed. No deception there either. Investing is everyone doing the best they can with the information they can get. And each investment has to be the weighing of that information.

I will be pre-ordering this to be delivered to my Kindle Fire on April 5!